
Monday, August 27, 2012

Fall Decorating with Books

Decorating with books has long been protocol in our house.  Both my hubby and I love to find a nice vintage book to display. We keep an eye out at antique stores and garage sales.  Our favorite topics range from education to old mystery novels.  I have never really decided which is more fun, finding the treasure or getting home and decking out the house with my new book. 

Right now, I am so ready to decorate for fall. I really wanted to get some of my antique books and décor out to inspire me.  Is anyone else feeling this way?

Once I started rooting around in the garage it hit me… I found the perfect fall decorating inspiration, my husband’s new book!  The cover just screams crisp falling leaves and the colors are so Pottery Barn Fall Catalog 2012.

Chance Falls is a must read, but it is also a great coffee table book.  Head over to Amazon and pick up a copy at the following link:
I know you will enjoy reading Chance Falls, but I also hope it brings you some fall decorating inspiration as well.
Until Next Time-
Get Creative

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