
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mommy Adventures in Sensory Boxes

The Five W’s & An H of Sensory Boxes

Who: Little Ones & Awesome Mommies  

What:  Sensory Activities are such an amazing way for little ones to learn and play.  Believe it or not sensory trays/boxes/bowls help toddlers tap into all five senses as well as promote independent discovery during playtime all while building fine motor skills.   Seems like a win…win right?

When: During Playtime.  My little guy was engaged for a good fifteen minutes and in toddler speak that is nothing short of epic engagement!

Where: In an area of your house or outside that you are not overly concerned about getting messy.

Why: I was worried my little guy was not getting dirty enough during playtime.  I know right?  I will so regret even thinking this as he gets older and comes in the house covered in mud.  I thought a sensory bowl was the answer and boy did we get dirty. (Well not like scary dirty…but certainly bath dirty!)

How:  Pick any box, bowl or pan and pick things from around your house that would make fun discovery for your little one.  I picked some wheat flower that had been sitting way too long in the pantry and some little plastic letters.  I am all about themes so I told Aiden we were on an alphabet excavation! 

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