
Monday, June 11, 2012

Under The Sea Birthday Adventure Party Planning with Guest Blogger Jen

My beautiful babies, Aidan and Kendall are turning 5!!! This is a reason to celebrate!  I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I have never thrown a “proper” party for my cutie pies, not once.  It’s always been a cake, some balloons, pizza, and gasp, text or email invites to friends and family.  Turning 5 is a big deal, and I need to step it up in my mommy party planning J
Planning my sisters’ wedding shower last month was my first attempt at planning and throwing parties.  The guests enjoyed the shower, a lot, and I had SO much fun planning it, that I decided to put my new found skills to work making the perfect party for the twins.

Finding a theme that both a five year old boy and girl are agreeable to is harder than you might think.  Luckily, I found these adorable mermaid/pirate themed invites and both kids were excited at the choice.  After ordering the invites I turned to etsy where I found adorable under the sea décor and mermaid/pirate treat bags for our guests.

With a theme picked and decorations on their way, I next moved to planning entertainment and FOOD!  Being a first grade teacher, I am not huge on planning “organized” games with rules on my off time.  So our guests will be enjoying a “treasure hunt” which will be a kiddie pool filled with sand and treasures.  They also will be able to decorate their own mermaid crown or eye patch.  These can be done in any order and at the guests’ leisure.  As for the food, I don’t want to spoil the surprise for any guests who may read this…but it is all ocean themed and completely adorable!

We’re expecting 30 friends on Saturday, and are so excited to welcome them to our under the sea birthday adventure! 

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